1 piece 6 1/2” x 9” cotton flannel or cotton t-shirt material for lining
1 piece 6 1/2” x 9” 100% cotton fabric
2 pieces 7 - 7 1/2” long of 1/8” - 1/4” elastic
Sewing machine, pins, and an iron
Assembly Instructions
Pin a piece of elastic on the top and bottom of the short ends of the cotton fabric rectangle right side up 1/2” from the edges to form the ear loop.
Place flannel piece of fabric on top with right sides together and pin through all layers. Sew 1/4” around leaving a 2-3” opening at the bottom. Trim corners on the diagonal.
Turn mask right side out. Press flat.
Fold mask in half wrong sides together the length ways and iron a crease. Open flat. Some have found folding the mask right sides together works better - your choice of method.
Fold bottom and top edges of the long side towards the center crease and iron. There should now be three ironed creases in your mask. Open flat.
Make three tucks facing towards top of the mask approximately 1/2” deep using the ironed creases as a guide. Pinch the bottom crease and fold half way up to the next fold line pin in place. Repeat using the middle fold line and then the top fold line to create all three tucks.
Top stitch sew 3/8” around the entire outside edge of mask two times.
1 piece 6 1/2” x 9” cotton flannel or cotton t-shirt material for lining
1 piece 6 1/2” x 9” 100% cotton fabric
2 pieces 7 - 7 1/2” long of 1/8” - 1/4” elastic
Sewing machine, pins, and an iron
Assembly Instructions
Pin a piece of elastic on the top and bottom of the short ends of the cotton fabric rectangle right side up 1/2” from the edges to form the ear loop.
Place flannel piece of fabric on top with right sides together and pin through all layers. Sew 1/4” around leaving a 2-3” opening at the bottom. Trim corners on the diagonal.
Turn mask right side out. Press flat.
Fold mask in half wrong sides together the length ways and iron a crease. Open flat. Some have found folding the mask right sides together works better - your choice of method.
Fold bottom and top edges of the long side towards the center crease and iron. There should now be three ironed creases in your mask. Open flat.
Make three tucks facing towards top of the mask approximately 1/2” deep using the ironed creases as a guide. Pinch the bottom crease and fold half way up to the next fold line pin in place. Repeat using the middle fold line and then the top fold line to create all three tucks.
Top stitch sew 3/8” around the entire outside edge of mask two times.